It’s Thursday already and you only have a a day to find a costume for the wonderful reappropriated Pagan holiday of Halloween! Are you worrying about how to dress your kids for the Trick or Trunk/Trunk or Treat in a way that is both clever and wholesome? Do you want to show off your extensive knowledge of Mormon pop culture? Look no further. I, with the help of fellow perma-blogger Laurel Sandberg-Armstrong, have thrown together a guide for not just Halloween costumes, but DIY, inexpensive Halloween costumes that will create the illusion that some thought was put into them.
If you find yourself a white robe, or a bedsheet, and one of those old yellow Vuvuzelas from whenever they were actually popular, you can very easily make…a cheap Moroni costume! If you spray paint yourself gold, and don’t have to go to the hospital afterwards, you get bonus points.
If you already have a black mullet wig, a brown headband, and some random Gladiator/Roman costumes, making your own Nephi/Nephite costume would be perfect.

If you want to get a little creative, you can combine some arrogant clothing, some tacky jewelry, and a portable stool, and you can be a modern day Zoramite! Spend your Halloween parties judging the other attendees and reminding them of your superiority, and the costume will be complete.

A Zoramite!
If you want a little throwback to everyone’s favorite octopus lure (made famous by President Monson a few years ago), you can make yourself into a Maka-Feke!

A Maka-Feke!
And if you’re really ambitious about making your own costume, you can attempt to recreate a scene from Ether 3 using darkness, a foam finger, and 16 clear stones!
And finally, if you’re feeling really cheap, you can always wrap yourself up with a flaxen cord, and you will be a walking object lesson about sin!
Lets hear some of your Cheapo Costume ideas!
Thomas, you are a total dorkfest. Thanks for the fun post.
No matter how hard I try, I will never be as cool as that Indian guy wearing the gold shirt.
haha I love it!!
White robe , a red sword . You can be the infamous angel with a flaming sword telling Joseph to take plural wives or else
If you had an invisibility cloak, you could totally be Heavenly Mother…
I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well written!
Not a lot of things make me lol (one friend and I actually use “col” because it’s a big deal if we even just chuckle out loud). But this did. 🙂