-11:50 AM. 60 W. North Temple. LDS Conference Center. –

A chorus of 21,000 voices (and many more throughout the world) have just said “Amen” to Sister Jean A. Stevens’ prayer, marking the first time a woman has ever prayed in General Conference. It has been 35 years since Spencer W. Kimball clarified policy about women offering prayers in meetings- so I like to think that he chimed in from heaven with a hearty “Amen” and a muttered “It’s about time!”

Some folks will never understand what this means, yet to some, this is a step that brings great hope.

For others (myself included), it can be difficult to celebrate this news (which could be seen as barely more than a baby step towards equality)- to maintain an optimistic long view on “progress” within our beloved Church. Perhaps this is why it’s important to keep going. The journey may appear hard, but we’ve said amen to one bit of progress- so let’s open our eyes, unfold our arms, get off our seats, and press forward to that graceful day when these cares are behind us.


Jonathan is a dedicated bike commuter and former dog musher. When he isn't spending time under the fluorescent glow of office lights, he and his wife spend as much time as possible playing in the mountains. He is an Elder's Quorum instructor in his ward.

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