by Michelle Wiener | Sep 28, 2017 | Agency, Apologetics, Bible Scholarship, Book of Mormon, Empowerment, Faith, Featured, Feminism, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Mother in Heaven, New Testament, Old Testament, Spiritual Experiences, the Spirit World, Theology, Theosis, Why I Am Mormon |
Excerpts from my most recent paper on Mother Mary, the Gevirah Role in Ancient Israel & the Heavenly Mother Connection….going beyond the apparitions to give a reason for my faith in our Mother in Heaven. by Michelle Wiener The Gevirah Role in Ancient Israel...
by Heber Longhurst | Nov 19, 2013 | Featured, New Testament, Old Testament, Revelation, Standard Works, Theology, Uncategorized |
The Tree of Life – Part II There are very few scriptural symbols as ubiquitous throughout the world´s cultures and religions as a belief in a tree of life, a world tree or at least the importance of a tree as a powerful religious and spiritual symbol. Trees have even...
by Heber Longhurst | Nov 18, 2013 | Book of Mormon, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, Repentance, Standard Works, Sunday School, Theology |
The Tree of Life – Part 1 This is a three part miniseries which will deal primarily with the powerful symbolism encompassed in the Tree of Life. The second part of this essay will provide a broad survey of the Tree of Life in other religious traditions and the...
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