by Carrie Marsh | Nov 27, 2014 | Compassion, Featured, Liahona Stake, Service, Uncategorized |
Within the church, we have a couple of avenues for giving. Our church makes giving within those options very easy. There is a nice little form with different “options” of where you want your money to go, they take checks or cash, they keep track of...
by Viliami | May 5, 2014 | Compassion, Featured, Service, Uncategorized |
Home teaching is a rare opportunity to serve and love our neighbors in intimate environments. Although I don’t make it out every month, it is a program I love and cherish. Serving in the midst of our brothers and sisters is a reflection of Jesus’ own...
by Emily Spencer | Mar 15, 2014 | Agency, Charity, Compassion, Disability, Faith, Featured, Mental Health, Repentance, Service |
Based on actual events. Shared with permission. I’ll never forget the morning I got that surprise knock at my door. I wondered who it would be, since the clock hadn’t even yet chimed nine o’clock. I opened the door, and there she stood on my porch, her hair wrapped up...
by Carrie Marsh | Jan 23, 2014 | Charity, Featured, Gospel Topics, Mormonism |
The following are notes that were taken from my ward’s Relief Society lesson on Chapter 22 in the Lorenzo Snow manual titled Doing Good to Others. I really liked the direction that our teacher took this lesson. It seemed to come more from...
by Gregory Prince | May 29, 2013 | Charity, Featured |
SEA OF CHANGE? by Greg Prince Four years ago the president of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC was invited to meet with the First Presidency in Salt Lake City. At the conclusion of his meeting he called me and said that the thing that had impressed him...
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