by EOR | Jul 24, 2013 | Agency, Faith, Featured, Gospel Topics, LDS Church History, Mormonism |
Today is the most Mormonest of days, Pioneer Day, so Happy Pioneer Day to you all. I originally intended to address how strange it is as a convert to be a part of a religion that is simultaneously so invested in its history yet runs from it at every turn. While it is...
by Gina Colvin | Jul 22, 2013 | Featured, Mormonism |
ON BEING BROWN … ON PIONEER DAY By Gina Colvin In 1997 Mormons all over the world were invited to celebrate the sesquicenntial of the arrival of the Saints into the Great Basin. Notwithstanding that most Mormons in Christchurch, New Zealand have never been to Utah nor...
by Miguel Barker-Valdez | Jul 23, 2012 | Featured, Mormonism |
Pioneers My people were Mormon pioneers. Is the blood still good? They stood in awe as truth Flew by like a dove And dropped a feather in the West. Where truth flies you follow If you are a pioneer. I have searched the skies And now and then Another feather has...
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