Meet more of the RF bloggers, learn the story of the inception of Rational Faiths (I’m pretty sure it took a dream within a dream to start this project), and hear a funny story or two. In this episode Paul, Mike, Lori, Leah, Thomas, and I chat it up. We talk about how we each came to be a part of Rational Faiths, our observations of the blog morphing a bit over time and what we think the blog should be, now and in the future. For you listeners and readers of Rational Faiths let us know what you think of the blog/podcast in general. How have you noticed it change? Do you like what you read and hear? What else would you like to see come out of Rational Faiths? Share you thoughts with us. For only then will we become the most powerful force in the WORLD! That is, after the Christian Rapture has left us behind with the atheists and pagans.

Brian was born and raised in Northern Utah and is now working as a chemist in Ohio. He has one wife and three children. He currently serves as the ward hall monitor. He likes to eat good food, and build cool things.

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