• Does 666 refer to Barney the Dinosaur?
  • What does Apocalypse mean?
  • Is there a relationship between the words “Apocalypse” and “Revelation”?
  • What are some of the commonalities of Jewish and Christian apocalyptic literature?
All these questions and more are answered on this podcast episode which is an introduction to The Apocalypse of John.
  • To read about how some early Mormons might have been willing to “give up polygamy” (but not really) because the 2nd Coming of Jesus was right around the corner, click here.
  • To see the books listed in the Muratorian Fragment, click here.
  • To read about the 1833 meteor shower in Kirkland that Joseph Smith saw as a sign of Jesus’ Second Coming and which inspired the beloved Mormon Hymn, Now Let Us Rejoice, click here. 
If you would like to email Dr. Greaves a question, fill in the form below.  We would love to play and answer your voice mail questions if you choose to go that route


    Dr. Sheldon Greaves received his Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with an emphasis in Hebrew Bible from UC Berkeley in 1996. He is a co-founder of Henley-Putnam University, a private university catering to the intelligence and counterterrorism communities. He has taught Old and New Testament and similar subjects at Stanford University. At present, Dr. Greaves leads seminars on biblical and related topics as Scholar-in-Residence at the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan in Corvallis, Oregon. He is also the founder of Guerrilla Scholars (501(c)(3) status pending), a loose association of learners, thinkers, teachers, artists, and recovering academics that can best be described as, "a bunch of geeks who want to save the world."

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