Dear Church: Stop The Trauma And Start The Healing

Dear Church: Stop The Trauma And Start The Healing

You may have heard of Trauma-Informed Care. It is all the rage right now and for good reason. More organizations and even faith communities are adopting trauma-informed policies in order to ensure the health and well-being of their members. But it left me thinking: Do...
When Victims Seek Justice From The Church, Mormon Women Speak (Episode 21, 348)

When Victims Seek Justice From The Church, Mormon Women Speak (Episode 21, 348) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSDoes the church really protect predators and enable abusers? What happens when a victim pursues...
The Problems With Bishop Interviews, Part 2 –  Mormon Women Speak Podcast  (episode 18; 339)

The Problems With Bishop Interviews, Part 2 – Mormon Women Speak Podcast (episode 18; 339) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 2 of this discussion includes a continued discussion and more reactions to...
Mormon Women Speak Podcast: #MormonMeToo: Male Perspectives (episode 15; 314)

Mormon Women Speak Podcast: #MormonMeToo: Male Perspectives (episode 15; 314) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWhat is the perspective from a male survivor within the Mormon Me Too movement? Have they...
Mormon Women Speak Podcast: #MormonMeToo: Male Perspectives (episode 15; 314)

Mormon Women Speak Podcast: Women On Kavanaugh And Conference PART 3 (episode 13; 300) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSPart 3 Where are the diverse women’s voices on current events...
Mormon Women Speak Podcast: #MormonMeToo: Male Perspectives (episode 15; 314)

The Mormon Women Speak Podcast: The Erasure of Black Women in Sam Young’s Movement? Plus “The Hushed Ones” Documentary (Episode 10; 294) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSWhy are People of Color absent from progressive Mormon movements like Protect LDS...