Guest Post by Heather Duncan

Note from Melody: My dear friend and poet, Heather, penned this beautiful verse many years ago. One of the recent general conference talks captured similar imagery, suggesting that being broken is a natural state for mortality. It is a holy condition, a blessed condition. God often dwells there–in our broken places. Thanks to Heather for this gentle reminder.



God Loves Broken Things


Like clouds that break to quench the earth

and earth that breaks for grain to grow,

God loves the broken things of earth.


The hands that do the kneading know

good flour is made from broken grain

and earth must break for grain to grow.


There’s good in sorrow, grace in pain—

like supper graced by broken bread.

Good lives are made from broken grain,


and we are just as richly fed

by shattered life and broken heart

as supper graced by broken bread.


When we are broken, torn apart

he reaches out to make us whole—

each shattered life, each broken heart.


He weeps beside each grieving soul

like clouds that break to quench the earth.

His hands reach out to make us whole.

God loves the broken things of earth.



heatherhollandduncanheadshotHeather Holland Duncan lives in Provo, Utah with five spirited children and an intensely affectionate golden retriever. She is a student at UVU, studying English literature, anthropology, and creative writing. Her chapbook, Mastering the Art of Joy, was published in 2011 as winner of the Edna Meudt Memorial Award. Her poems and essays have also appeared in The Found Poetry Review, Pulitzer Remix, Segullah, and Encore. Some of her favorite things are yoga, running, raspberries, trees, birds, and people.

Melody earns a living as a registered nurse, grows a respectable garden, and writes when she's not building sheet forts with her grandkids. Her poetry has appeared in on-line journals, Segullah, Irreantum and small press along the Wasatch Front.

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